Thursday, October 23, 2008


Halloween Photo Contest

It's time for my annual Halloween Costume Contest! Send me a photo of your little ghoul or goblin in his/her Halloween Costume. Entries will be judged by a panel of photographers and the winner will receive a

FREE SESSION and a FREE 8X10 print!

Deadline for entry is October 31st.

Winner will be announced on November 5th.

Photos must be emailed to:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lock up your daughters!

Their poor, poor mother. I'm sure the calls will start early - the giggling on the other end of the line asking if they're home. These boys are going to be SUCH heartbreakers! They're just so adorable and sweet to boot! Every time I see them they get more and more handsome, and it's so much fun to watch them together. Little R. just adores his big brother and it's so cute to watch him follow him around and do everything he does. I swear he thinks his big bro hung the moon and stars. I just *love* that. :-)

You probably can't tell from this crappy blog sized copy, but talk about some amazing eyes this kiddo has!!! I had to resist cropping this to just a close up of the eyes - they're seriously stunning!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

He's baaack.....

Little Mr. C! You may remember him from his newborn portraits ! He's grown so much and is now an adorable, happy little 6 month old. This shoot was so fun as I just adore this little guy. We went to Heritage Park for some great fall colors. Of course, it was 80 degrees outside - not exactly the weather you'd expect for fall photos, but little C was such a trooper. He tolerated me much better this time than last time and even smiled!

I'm still proofing these and I already have so many that I love. I've literally laughed out loud opening some of them and let out quite a few audible "awwwwww"s. :-) I just love his little facial expressions!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The wandering senior

This is my nephew Kyle - isn't he cute? :-)

I finally pinned him down for some senior photos and it was a blast! We had so much fun just wandering around town looking for fun places to shoot. Then of course we did some shots in studio too. I can't believe he's a senior already. I totally remember when he was just Emily's age and he was such an adorable little ham wearing just a diaper. *sigh* Where does the time go? I love these photos and I'm so proud of the man he's becoming, but I have to admit it makes me a little sad to see that "little Kyle" is all gone.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Natural

Check out this cuteness!
Let's face it some kids are just a natural in front of the camera! Little dude was SO easy to work with I could hardly believe it. It's so different than someone like, say..... Emily! Not once did he scream and run in the other direction - I could hardly believe it. He was just so full of natural laughter and smiles.

His baby sister was the same way, but she was having so much fun making me chase her around. She's quite a good crawler! lol... This session was sooo much fun and I really love the images I got.

How cool is his hat? LOVE IT!