I'm sorry I have been so out of touch with the blog world lately. December kind of flew by for me in a blur! Between the busy holiday sessions, the holidays themselves, being pregnant and house shopping.... I had a little trouble keeping in touch like I should. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and is enjoying the first part of 2008!
I'm so excited for this year and all the changes it will be bringing for me both personally and professionally. We have purchased a new home in Highland township and will be moving sometime around the end of January. I'm very excited but it has been one hectic experience - and we haven't even moved yet! Just house shopping alone is enough to make you want to throw in the towel! lol... I will be happy to get everything in and settled before the baby arrives in July. Wish me luck!
I would also like to take a moment to say "thank you" to all the wonderful clients I had in 2007, either for the first time or as repeat clients. I truly have some of the best clients with the cutest kids! 2007 was so much fun and I'm really looking forward to seeing you all again in 2008!
Although I'm a few days late for the New Year, I wanted to post my top 10 favorite client images from 2007. I got this idea from a fellow photographer and thought it was such a fun way to close out the year. It was SOO hard to narrow it down to 10! These all speak to me in different ways for different reasons and I just love them all.
Just for fun, feel free to vote on which one is YOUR favorite. I love seeing what others would choose. :-) The winner will receive a complimentary 8x10 of the winning image. Voting will remain open until Jan. 15th.
Image #1
Image #2

Image #3
Image #4

Image #5
Image #6
Image #7
Image #8

Image #9
Image #10
Also, just a reminder: if you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet, now is a great time to do so. There will be some exciting changes coming for 2008 and I'd love to keep you all informed.