"They" say "good things come to those who wait". You know.... the infamous "They". And They must be right, because check out this little gem! My friend (see the gorgeous maternity pic posted earlier!) had her baby!!!
This stubborn little man has finally decided to make his long-awaited debut appearance. His poor Mommy was so ready for him to come..... I thought she might just pop! lol... Now that he's here though, I think all can agree that he was well worth the wait! He's just perfectly perfect. This was such a fun newborn session - he was just as happy as a clam and didn't fuss a bit! I couldn't believe it.
Unfortunately, I don't think he was quite as impressed with me as I was with him. Do you think he's trying to tell me something? hahahaha....

Ok, so I know it's mean to just post one little outtake, and I know his Mommy is just dying to see more. But I'm still proofing so this is all you get for now! haha..